South Dakota Counties, Histories, Centennial Booklets, Organization Items, Cities and Town. (9/27/24)
To search for a certain book click (Ctrl + F) then type in what you want to search for. Your entry will be highlighted below in the list, if there is more then one entry you can click next to see the others. For additional information email me: and be sure to include your zip if asking for a quote.
- Bibliography Turchen, Lesta Van Der Wert & James D. McLaird County and Community: A Bibliography Of South Dakota Local Histories
- Aurora / Plankinton. St. Paul Lutheran Church 75 Years of God’s Blessings 1910-1985.
- Aurora / Stickney Stickney South Dakota 1905-1980 75th Anniversary
- Aurora / White Lake 1889-1989 South Dakota Centennial White Lakes, SD July 7-8-9, 1989 (D)
- Aurora / White Lake White Lake SD 1882-1982 100 Years of Progress
- Aurora / White Lake Diamond Jubilee White Lake Community History June 1-2, 1960
- Aurora / White Lake Aurora County Historical Society. Aurora County History
- Beadle. Carr, J.L. The Old Timers. (/A)
- Beadle. Jones, Mildred McEwen. Early Beadle County, 1879-1900 (/A)
- Beadle. Polly Pointers From The Daily Huronite of 1887-1888-1889
- Beadle. James, Leta May A Place-Name Study Of Beadle County South Dakota.
- Beadle. Permanent School Fund in SD and the Beadle Club.
- Beadle. Jones, Mildred McEwen Pioneer Residents Of Beadle County. Sold
- Beadle. Jones, Mildred McEwen. Records Of Beadle County Settlers 1879-1900. Self-printed mimeographed sheets. Each area is sold separately: a) Iroquois District (/A); b) Allen Township (/A); c) Pleasant View Township(/M); d) Vernon Township (/J); e) Sand Creek Township (/B); f) Pearl Creek Township (/C); g) Dearborn Township (/A); h) Theresa Township (/B).
- Beadle / Bonilla. Bonilla’s First 100 Years.
- Beadle / Hitchcock. Hitchcock, SD Centennial 1881-1981 July 3-4-5. (B/B)
- Beadle / Huron. Haskell, Mac. Falling Chips. About the Men who Formed the Huron Rotary Club. Sold
- Beadle / Huron. Huron The Market of Central South Dakota. Advertising booklet 1929?
- Beadle / Huron. Life In Early Huron 1880-1889. Vol. 1. Churches & Religion & Vol. 2. Education & School. WPA.
- Beadle / Huron. Life In Early Huron 1880-1889. Vol. 2. Education & School. WPA.
- Beadle / Huron. Charter And Ordinances Of The City Of Huron. 1904.
- Beadle / Huron. A People’s History Of Beadle County. (/A)
- Beadle / Huron. Huron College Bulletin. Pioneer College – History of Pierre University & Huron College 1883-1958 Including Directory of Graduates & Ex-Students. SOLD
- Beadle / Huron. Huron. American Lutheran Church Directory. Sold
- Beadle / Huron. Huss, Dorothy, Robert S. Kuni, William Lampe, Margaret Moxon. Huron Revisited. (/B)
- Beadle / Wessington. We Like It Here. Wessington. Pamphlet (/B)
- Beadle / Wessington. Wessington High School All School Reunion 1915-1977. Wessington, South Dakota
- Beadle / Wessington. Wessington, South Dakota. First United Presbyterian Church 1882-1982
- Beadle / Wolsey. St. John’s Lutheran Church Wolsey, SD Diamond Jubilee 1885-1960. SOLD
- Beadle, Hughes, Bon Homme / Huron, Pierre, Scotland. Huron College Historical Bulletin, Pierre University & Scotland Academy 1883-1920
- Brookings. Brookings County History Book Committee. Brookings County History Book.
- Brookings / Brookings. Sewrey, Charles L. A History of South Dakota State College 1884-1959.
- Brookings / Brookings. Brookings, SD Diamond Jubilee 1879-1954 75th Anniversary Souvenir Program. SOLD
- Brookings / Volga. Volga & Community Business Men. 1947 Service Record Book of Men & Women of Volga, SD & Community Sold
- Brookings / White. Parker, Dr. Donald D. First Presbyterian Church White, SD 75 Years 1882-1957. Sold
- Brookings / White. White History Book Committee. White, SD 1884-1984. Sold
- Brown. Atlas Of Brown County South Dakota.
- Brown. Early History of Brown, South Dakota.
- Brown. Monument Markers Memorials of Brown County. SOLD
- Brown. Buntin, Art. James River Landscapes Historic Sites Brown County. SOLD
- Brown. History Committee of Brown County Museum & Historical Society. Brown County History 1980. (/C)
- Brown. Brown County In the World War 1917-1918-1919
- Brown . Brown, Bergh, Helen. People, Places and Events 100 Years in Brown County, SD Vo. II
- Brown / Aberdeen. Historical Aberdeen 1981, Brown County Museum & Historical Society.
- Brown / Aberdeen. Artz, Don The Town in the Frog Pond (Aberdeen). (B)
- Brown / Aberdeen. Murray, Robert J. Church Grows on a Tree Claim. History of Sacred Heart Parish Aberdeen, SD, A. (/A)
- Brown / Aberdeen. Murray, Robert J. History of Federal Agencies. Aberdeen, SD 1881-1981
- Brown / Aberdeen First Presbyterian Church 1881-1981, Aberdeen, SD
- Brown / Aberdeen. Glimpses of School Life At The Northern Normal And Industrial School Aberdeen, South Dakota. Includes a 1921 Summer Session Class Photo 8 ½ x 27 ½ photo inserted in back.
- Brown / Aberdeen. Aberdeen’s Parkland Heritage 1881-1931 Aldrich Band Shell.
- Brown / Aberdeen. Artz, Don. A Souvenir of Aberdeen (D)
- Brown / Aberdeen. Artz, Don. The Life & Times of the Dacotah Prairie Museum Building.
- Brown / Aberdeen. Bartusis, Mark C. editor. Northern State University. The First Century, 1901-2000. Sold
- Brown / Bath. Bath Community 1881-1981. Our First One Hundred Years. Sold
- Brown / Groton. Historic Groton A Walking And Driving Tour.
- Brown / Groton. Groton Centennial History, Groton, SD 1881-1981
- Brown / Groton & Frederick. Aberdeen / Brown County Landmark Commission. Simmons! Frederick’s Riverside Park – Groton & Frederick City Parks. (A)
- Brule / Chamberlain. 100 Years Of Chamberlain, SD 1880-1980. (/D)
- Brule / Chamberlain, Pukwana , Kimball. Remember When by Tri County State Bank
- Brule / Kimball. Bickner, Mrs. Donald W., Mrs. John W. Lytle, Mrs. Ervin C. Petula. Echoes of the Past Kimball 1880-2000 Kimball, South Dakota, SD Centennial. (/A)
- Brule / Kimball. Petula, Elsie V. compiler. Re-Echoing The Past 1880-2000 Kimball South Dakota. (/A)
- Brule / Kimball. St. Margaret's Catholic Church. A Century Of Faith 1884-1984.
- Brule / Kimball. St. Margaret’s Catholic Church. Lot of 1 Hardcover book, 4 softcovers & 1 flyer which are: A Century Of Faith 1884-1984; 50th Anniversary Sept. 1967; 125 Years Continuing Faith 1884-2009; St. Margarets Catholic Church of Scotland 125 Years if Faith 1884-2009; 2004-2005 Years of the Holy Eucharist; Renovation Aug. 21st.
- Brule / Pukwana. Brule County History. Brule County Historical Society (Pukwana). (/A)
- Buffalo. Buffalo, South Dakota Diamond Jubilee 1909-1984.
- Buffalo / Gann Valley. Lady Helpers Society, Compiled By. History of Buffalo County 1885-1985 Gann Valley, SD
- Buffalo / Gann Valley. Lady Helpers Society, Compiled By. History of Buffalo County III 1985-2000 (/F)
- Butte/ Minnesela. Richards, Marjorie Benedict. Minnesela – The City That Never Happened Sold
- Charles Mix. Votruba, Stanley E. Upper Missouri and Charles Mix County Reminiscence Sold
- Charles Mix / Central. Adeline S. Gnirk. The Epic of Papineau’s Domain. Central Charles Mix County. Comprising Goose Lake, Jackson, Moore, Rhoda & White Swan Townships. Sold
- Charles Mix / Lake Andes. Lake Andes South Dakota master Plan 1972 Sold
- Charles Mix / Platte. Morgan, Ruth, Edited by. Platte South Dakota 75th Anniversary 1900-1975. Progress & Pride Go Hand & Hand.
- Charles Mix & Douglas Counties. Van Der Pol, Henry, Sr., On The Reservation - Hollanders in Douglas & Charles Mix Counties.
- Clark. Atlas of Clark County. 1959.
- Clark. Clark County, South Dakota Centennial History 1881-1981.
- Clark / Willow Lake. Willow Lake, SD 50th Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church 1902-1952
- Clay. Register of Historic Sites In Clay County. (A)
- Clay. Herbert S. Schell. Clay County: Chapters of the Past.
- Clay. Herbert S. Schell. History of Clay County, South Dakota.
- Clay / Vermillion. Krueger, Judith Gudger. The Forest Avenue Historical District, Vermillion, SD
- Codington. The First 100 Years in Codington County South Dakota 1879 to 1979. Sold
- Codington. Stokke, Vel. Heritage Sampler. Stories About People & Places In The History of Codington County
- Codington / Florence. Florence, South Dakota 75th Anniversary Jubilee June 6 & 7, 1906-1981
- Codington / Watertown. 1955 Methodism Watertown, South Dakota 75th Anniversary Edition
- Codington / Watertown. Bruhn, Florence. Grandma’s Watertown Story. First Quarter of Watertown’s Century
- Davison. Davison County. Souvenir Davison County Court House
- Davison. Karolevitz, Bob. An Historic Sampler of Davison County
- Davison/ Mitchell & area. The Daily Republic. Mitchell and Neighbors The Good Old Days
- Davison / Mitchell. 75th Anniversary Celebration. 75 Years Of Progress Mitchell, SD 1881-1956 Diamond Jubilee
- Davison / Mitchell. Mitchell Re-Discovered Centennial Souvenir History 1981 (/A)
- Davison / Mitchell. Directory of First United Methodist Church. (2 different no year)
- Davison / Mount Vernon. Dakota Dateline 1881-1981, Mount Vernon, SD Sold
- Day. Day County Arts Council. Echoes and Reflections
- Day / Andover . Olive M. Hayenga. Andover, SD. Yesterday In Andover Sold
- Day / Webster. Thompson, Robert S., compiler. Webster as it was 1904-1911 1919-1935 (B)
- Deuel. Cochrane, Eleanor editor. Historical Collections of Deuel County.
- Deuel / Clear Lake. A Precious Legacy – Clear Lake 1884-1984.
- Dewey / Isabel. Isabel Booster Club. Isabel Friends and Neighbors 1961-1986. (/B)
- Dewey / Isabel. Jewett, Mrs. Oliver, editor. Isabel Territory Golden Jubilee. Sold
- Dewey / Isabel. Nash, Willard, editor. Isabel Centennial 1911-2011 100 Years.
- Dewey / Isabel. Schnabel, Lucille (Pladsen) editor. Illuminating Isabel Alumni and Town. Isabel HS Reunion & Isabel's 60th Anniversary Aug. 6-7-8, 1971.
- Douglas / Delmont. Kaufman, Fred S. The Window Centennial Story. Zion Lutheran Church Delmont, SD Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Dakota Territory. Sold
- Edmunds. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4807 Ipswich, SD. Edmunds County In World War II.
- Fall River/Oelrichs & surrounding area. Oelrichs Historical Society. In The Shadow of the Butt – Oelrichs – A History of Oelrichs & Surrounding Area
- Fall River / Hot Springs. Twomey, Katherine & Helen Magee. Early Hot Springs.
- Faulk. Faulk County Historical Society. History of Faulk County, SD 1910-1982 Sold
- Faulk. Ellis, Capt. C.H. History of Faulk County South Dakota. Reprint 1973.
- Faulk / Cresbard. Swanhorst, Bob. Main Street– 2006 Cresbard South Dakota. A Town Of Golden Memories. (/A)
- Faulk / Faulkton. United Church of Faulkton. Faulkton, SD
- Faulk / Faulkton. Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Of The Faulkton Methodist Church 1888-1953. Also in the booklet is the Sunday Sept. 27, 1953 Anniversary Services Program.
- Faulk / Faulkton & Seneca. United Church of Faulkton & Seneca United Methodist Church 1998 Directory.
- Faulk / Faulkton & Seneca. United Church Of Faulkton & United Church of Seneca. (C)
- Faulk / Faulkton, Orient, Seneca, Wheaton. United Church of Faulkton, United Methodist Church, United Church of Christ – Orient, Seneca, Wheaton.
- Faulk / Orient. Orient South Dakota Centennial 1887-1987 Sold
- Faulk / Orient. Orient South Dakota 1887-2012 Celebrating 125 Years of Memories. (/A)
- Faulk / Orient. Diamond Jubilee Orient, SD 1963 Sold
- Faulk / Orient. Schaefers, Jo Ann , chairman. Orient Centennial Trivia 1887-1987. (/A) (*)
- Faulk / Rockham. Rockham Centennial. Revisit Rockham 1886-1986.
- Faulk / Seneca. Seneca 125th Anniversary 1884-2009. 2 disc DVD set (all photos with music) (/A)
- Faulk / Seneca & Surrounding Area. Seneca Centennial Book Committee. History of Seneca & Surrounding Area 1884-1984.
- Grant. Grant County South Dakota In The World War 1917-1918-1919. Sold
- Grant. Grant County Historical Society. 100 Years in Grant County South Dakota 1878-1978. (/A)
- Grant. Atlas of Grant County South Dakota. 1971.
- Grant. Atlas of Grant County South Dakota Centennial 1889-1989.
- Grant. Atlas of Grant County South Dakota. 1954? (red cover)
- Gregory / Gregory. Gregory-Dixon Historical Society. Yesterday And Today In The Gregory Area.
- Gregory / several areas. Gnirk, Adeline S. Saga Of The Missouri River Reveille. Comprising Pleasant Valley, Schriever, Lindley, Whetstone, Fairfax, Star Valley & Randall Twsp & Ft. Randall. SOLD
- Haakon. Haakon County, SD Atlas 1965. SOLD
- Haakon / Midland. Historic Midland 1890-1986.
- Hamlin. Hamlin County 1878-1979. SOLD
- Hamlin / Bryant. History Of The Garfield Congregation Bryant, South Dakota Through Sixty Years. SOLD
- Hamlin / Estelline. Estelline, South Dakota 100 Years 1882-1982.
- Hamlin / Lake Norton. Lake Norton South Dakota 50th Anniversary 1907-1957 Sold
- Hand. Sessions, Anna Mary Van Brunt. Early History Of Hand County South Dakota. (/A)
- Hand. Heidepriem, Scott. Bring On The Pioneers! History of Hand County. (A/A+)
- Hand. Hand County Township Clerk’s Record – Dakota 1884 (hand written journal) Sold
- Hand. Parker, Donald Dean, compiler. History of Our County and State: Hand County Edition. Sold
- Hand. Atlas Of Hand County South Dakota 1984
- Hand. Atlas Of Hand County South Dakota 1964
- Hand. Centennial Atlas Of Hand County South Dakota 1989 Sold
- Hand. Atlas Of Hand County South Dakota 1971-72
- Hand & Hyde. Counties of Hand & Hyde South Dakota In The World War 1917-1918-1919. SOLD
- Hand / Beadle. Celebrating Our Future. St. Ann's Catholic Church Miller & St. Joseph's Catholic Church Wessington.
- Hand / Miller. Celebrating Our Heritage Trinity Lutheran Church 75 Years 1925-2000 Miller, SD (Hand County)
- Hand / Miller. Annual Report Trinity Lutheran Church, Miller, Jan. 16, 1980.
- Hand / Miller. Trinity Lutheran Church Miller, SD. 1971, Family 1971, 1883 Directory.
- Hand / Miller. Trinity Lutheran Church Miller, SD. Dedication June 12, 1960.
- Hand / Miller. Myrna Cotton. They Pioneered For Us (Miller, Hand County) (B)
- Hand / Miller. Miller SD Centennial Minutes 1881-1981 (Hand County) (/A)
- Hand / Miller. Miller South Dakota 1881-1981 Centennial Paper. Newspaper
- Hand / Miller. Carroll, C.M. Miller – The Town That Was Not To Be. (B/A)
- Hand / Miller. Visions Of Our Past. Pictorial History of Hand County. (A/A *b)
- Hand / Miller. Miller. 1882 Looking Back But Going Forward 1982. First Methodist Church
- Hand / Miller. The Miller-Greenleaf United Methodist Parish. First United Methodist Church Miller. (nd- Dick Rinearson, pastor). (B)
- Hand / Miller. First United Methodist Church – Greenleaf United Methodist Church. David Andrews, Pastor.
- Hand / Miller. The Miller Greenleaf United Parish. First United Methodist Church & Greenleaf United Methodist Church. Richard Gould Pastor (B)
- Hand / Miller. History of the Methodist Church Miller, SD 1882-1982 by Winifred Lorentson. 100th Anniversary.
- Hand / Miller. Miller. History of the First Presbyterian Church. 1983. (B)
- Hand / Miller. The History of the Catholic Church In Miller 1884-1984. (B/B)
- Hand / Miller. St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Miller, SD 1984 Directory.
- Hand / Orient. Orient, South Dakota 1887-2012 Celebrating 125 Years Of Memories
- Hand / Polo. Polo Memories 1881-1989. Sold
- Hand / Ree Heights. Ree Heights Centennial 1881-1981 Newspaper
- Hand / Ree Heights. Siding No. 4 A History of Ree Heights.
- Hand / Ree Heights. Ree Heights Review newspapers. Vols. 29-34, 1940-1945.
- Hand / St. Lawrence. St. Lawrence 1880-1989 Then and Now (B/C)
- Hand / Sunshine Bible. Seaman, Millard E. Gumbo, Gumption and God. Story of Sunshine Bible Academy.
- Hanson / Epiphany. Church of the Epiphany Centennial 1883-1983.
- Hanson. Service Record World War I and II Hanson County. SOLD
- Hanson. Soladay, Mildred. Hanson Heritage A History of Hanson County, SD. SOLD
- Harding. Buffalo Times Herald. Harding County, SD 50th Anniversary 1959. SOLD
- Harding / Buffalo. Marjorie Evenson Catron. Diamond Jubilee 1909-1984 Labor Day. Buffalo, SD
- Hay / Gayville & Meckling. Hay County History, Pioneers of the Gayville & Meckling, SD (/A)
- Hughes. Hughes County History SOLD
- Hughes. Pringle, Ruane, editor. Hughes County History. SOLD
- Hughes & Beadle / Pierre & Huron. Horton, Garner, editor. Pioneer College. History of Pierre University & Huron College 1883-1958
- Hughes & Stanley. Hughes and Stanley Counties Centennial Celebration 1961.
- Hughes & Stanley / Pierre & Fort Pierre. King, Irma E. Pierre, SD The Friendly City & Ft. Pierre, SD Where the West Begins. Sold
- Hughes & Stanley / Pierre & Fort Pierre. Schuler, Harold H. A Bridge Apart History of Early Pierre and Fort Pierre.
- Hughes & Vicinity. Federal Writers Project Works Progress Administration. Guide To Pierre The Capital City And Its Vicinity. Brochure 1937.
- Hughes / Canning. King, Irma E. History of Canning, South Dakota.
- Hughes / Harrold. History of Harold 1886-1986 – Siding No. 6.
- Hughes / Pierre. Magedanz, Thomas C. , project director. South Dakota In Vietnam, Pierre Area. SOLD
- Hughes / Pierre. Carla Sahr & Henrietta Roberts. Glimpses of Pierre, SD 1880-1930 SOLD
- Hughes / Pierre. Carla Sahr & Henrietta Roberts. 100 Years of Pierre Centennial Edition 1881-1981. SOLD
- Hughes / Pierre. Carla Sahr, Mary Rathman, Betty Lamster. Church on the Hill. History of SS Peter & Paul Parish.
- Hughes / Pierre. Schuler, Harold H. Pierre Since 1910. Sold
- Hutchinson / Freeman. Mendal, J.J. History of the People of East Freeman, Silver Lake and West Freeman from 1528 to 1961 and History of Freeman Sold
- Hutchinson / Freeman. Freeman Facts – Freeman Fiction. Freeman Centennial Steering Committee.
- Hutchinson/ Parkston. Parkston South Dakota Diamond Jubilee 1886-1961
- Hutchinson / Parkston. Hafner, Joan M. & Parkston Commercial Club. Parkston South Dakota Centennial History
- Hutchinson / Tripp. Tripp Study Club. A Touch of Tripp.
- Hyde. Hyde Heritage 1880-1997 (/C)
- Hyde. Standard Atlas Hyde County South Dakota 1911.
- Hyde. Centennial Atlas Of Hyde County South Dakota. 1989 Sold
- Hyde. Atlas of Hyde County, South Dakota, 1965 Sold
- Hyde. Atlas of Hyde County, South Dakota, 1978
- Hyde. Atlas of Hyde County, South Dakota, 1985
- Hyde. Hyde County South Dakota Centennial Committee. Staying Power. (/A)
- Hyde / Highmore. Highmore Centennial 1982 100th Anniversary newspaper
- Hyde / Highmore. Highmore, SD Our Savior Lutheran Church 1989 Directory
- Hyde / Highmore. Highmore. Centennial Celebration United Methodist Church
- Hyde / Highmore. Highmore. Our Savior Lutheran Church
- Jackson / Kadoka. Hogen, Marvis. Fifty Years On main Street 1946-1996 (Kadoka). Sold
- Jerauld. Marken, Jack , editor. The Making of a Community. History of Jerauld County to 1980.
- Jerauld. Dunham, Fred N. History of Jerauld County South Dakota. (B/B)
- Jerauld / Alpena. Alpena Centennial Flashbacks 1883-1983. Sold
- Jerauld / Alpena. Alpena United Methodist Church Centennial 1884-1984. (B)
- Jerauld / Lane. A Centennial History Of Lane South Dakota To 2003. Down Memory Lane. SOLD
- Jerauld / Wessington Springs. 75th Anniversary Wessington Springs 1882-1951 Diamond Jubilee Special Edition.
- Jerauld / Wessington Springs. Wessington Springs. First United Presbyterian Church 1882-1982
- Jerauld / Wessington Springs. The First Methodist Church 1882-1957 75th Anniversary Wessington Spring, SD. SOLD
- Jones. Proving Up. Jones County History.
- Jones. Prairie Home Ladies of the Draper Methodist Church, Draper, SD. Tales of the Pioneers As Told To Us 1906-1956. SOLD
- Kingsbury. George A. Hall. 120 Years of Kingsbury County. A County To Behold, In A State To Behold. Sold
- Kingsbury. Atlas of Kingsbury County. 1966. Sold
- Kingsbury / Bancroft. Jerke, Gary Lee. Bancroft South Dakota 1889-1971. SOLD
- Kingsbury / Bancroft. Bancroft 1889-1989 SOLD
- Kingsbury / DeSmet. Beginnings of DeSmet. SOLD
- Kingsbury / DeSmet. DeSmet, SD 50th Anniversary – The Spirit, Lake Presbyterian Church 1908-1958. Sold
- Kingsbury / Erwin. Erwin: the First 100 Years Sold
- Kingsbury / Esmond. History of Sana --- Esmond 1880 – Dakota Territory – 1889 –South Dakota –1985. SOLD
- Lake. Trow, J.A. Historical Sketch of Lake County, SD. 1914.
- Lake. Atlas Of Lake County South Dakota. 1957.
- Lake. Jahr, Dale. Lake Co. Pictorial History. (/A)
- Lake. Costlow, Alice. Pioneer Days.
- Lake. Tyrrell, P.E. editor. Pioneer Days In Lake Country
- Lake / Madison. Madison Centennial Committee. Historic Homes of Madison, SD. Pamphlet
- Lake / Madison. Ayers, Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Mr. & Mrs. George Demaray. Prairie Historical Society.
- Lawrence. Lawrence County Historical Society. Some History of Lawrence County. SOLD
- Lawrence. Fielder, Mildred. Lawrence County For The Dakota Territory Centennial. (B)
- Lawrence. Klock, Irma H. , Editor. Cemeteries and Graves in Lawrence County & Environs. Sold
- Lawrence / Deadwood. Yuill, Camille. Deadwood In The Black Hills of South Dakota
- Lawrence / Deadwood . Deadwood-Lead ’76 Centennial 1976. Steeples above Stopes. The Churches in the Gold Camps 1876-1979
- Lawrence / Deadwood, Lead, Spearfish. Lee, Bob, editor. Gold, Gals, Guns, Guts. Roarin’ Deadwood, Unique Lead, Picturesque Spearfish. (B)
- Lawrence / Lead, Deadwood & Spearfish. Klock, Irma H. , Editor. Silent School Bells. Lawrence County Rural Schools & Histories of the Lead, Deadwood & Spearfish Schools. (A)
- Lawrence / Spearfish. Cerney, Jan & Roberta Sago. Images of America Spearfish.
- Lincoln / Lennox. Lennox 60th Anniversary Edition 1879-1939
- Lincoln / Lennox. Lennox through 100 Years 1879-1979. Lyman County Historical Society. SOLD
- Lyman. Early Settlers in Lyman County Lyman County Historical Society.
- Lyman. Winds of Change (/A)
- Lyman / Oacoma. Oacoma Centennial Committee. Oacoma Where The West Begins 1893-1993 Centennial.
- Lyman / Presho. Authier, Barbara. Presho How Come They Called It Presho 1905-1980. Sold
- Lyman / Presho. Presho of 1907 as described by Edward S. Johnson.
- Marshall / Britton. Marshall County History of Britton. SOLD
- Marshall / Fort Sisseton. Johnson, Norma. Chilson's History of Fort Sisseton.
- Marshall / Fort Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth). Our Living Heritage. 1864-1889. Fort Sisseton (Fort Wadsworth) SOLD
- Marshall / Langford. Langford, SD 1886-1986 Centennial. Sold
- McCook / Bridgewater. Shane, Esther, edited & Compiled by. Echoes Of An Era 1880-1989 Bridgewater, SD.
- McCook / Canistota Our Heritage and History 1884-1984.
- McCook / Canistota Another Twenty-Five Years 1984-2009.
- McCook / Salam. Salem-Zion Mennonite Church of Freeman, SD Looking Back 100 Years 1880-1980. Sold
- McPherson / Eureka. Eureka Memories 1996 Reunion.
- McPherson / Eureka. McPherson Centennial Book Committee. Eureka South Dakota 1887-1987 The Second Fifty Years.
- McPherson / Leola. Leola Centennial 1884-1984
- McPherson or Brown. Gardner, Sylvia Friel. Metonka-Little Town On A Railroad And Related Stories. Sold
- Meade / Sturgis & Fort Meade. Sturgis & Ft. Meade Early Day 1874-1910 History
- Meade / White Owl. Chord, Joyce L. (Benson). White Owl History 1893-2003.
- Mellette County. Mellette County Centennial Committee. Mellette County, South Dakota 1911-1961. SOLD
- Mellette County. Wacek, Luree. Back Then Early Days in Mellette County.
- Mellette / White River. Reutter, Winifred. Early Dakota Days. White River, SD. SOLD
- Miner / Canova. Pioneer Reflections. Canova, SD Centennial 1883-1983. (/A)
- Miner / Carthage. Carthage Centennial 1882-1982. Sold
- Miner / Fedora. Glenview Church Fedora South Dakota 1888-1983.
- Miner / Fedora. Miller, Clare, Irma Thietje & Fama L. Greene. Fedora History Territorial Days 1985. Sold
- Minnehaha. Smith, Charles A. A Comprehensive History of Minnehaha County, South Dakota. Its Background, Her Pioneers, Their Record of Achievement & Development Sold
- Minnehaha. Bailey, Dana R. History of Minnehaha County, SD. Reproduction of 1899 vol.
- Minnehaha / Baltic. Baltic Centennial 1881-1981.
- Minnehaha / Garretson. Celebrating A Century Garretson, SD Centennial 1889-1989.
- Minnehaha / Garretson. Garretson. Zion Lutheran Church
- Minnehaha / Hartford. Hartford, SD 1881-1981 Centennial
- Minnehaha / Sioux Falls. Early Manors of Sioux Falls. Bicentennial Look 1976. Sold
- Minnehaha / Sioux Falls. Woster, Terry Spirit of Sioux Falls. (/A)
- Minnehaha / Sioux Falls. Jordahl, Sivert A. Memorial History Lutheran Normal School Sioux Falls, SD 1889-1918.
- Minnehaha / Sioux Falls. First Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, SD Directory (1987-88).
- Minnehaha / Sioux Falls. Bragstad, R.E. Sioux Falls In Retrospect.
- Minnehaha / Valley Springs. 1878-1978 Valley Springs Centennial.
- Moody / Egan. The Centennial of Egan, SD 1880-1980. Sold
- Pennington / Rapid City. Miller, David B. Gateway To The Hill An Illustrated History of Rapid City.
- Pennington / Rapid City. Boone, C.F. The Rapid City Flood June 9, 1972 (D)
- Pennington / Rapid City. Ostlund Reunion Rapid City, South Dakota July 30-31, 1988.
- Pennington / Rapid City & Surrounding Areas. Black Hills Flood Of June 9, 1972 - A Historical Document. Sold
- Pennington / Rapid City & Surrounding Areas. Natural Disaster Institute. Night Of Terror The Black Hills Flood of June 9, 1972 Photo Book No.1
- Pennington / Rapid City. Strain, David F. Black Hills Hay Camp Images And Perspectives of Rapid City.
- Pennington Eastern. American Legion Auxiliary. Eastern Pennington County Memories.
- Perkins / Lemmon. Half Century of Progress 1907-1957, Lemmon Sold
- Potter. Potter County Historical Assoc. Potter County People, Pictures and Progress 1883-1983. SOLD
- Potter / Gettysburg. Gettysburg South Dakota 75th Anniversary 1883-1958. (B)
- Potter / Hoven. Hoven Centennial Historical Committee. Potter 1883-1983 Hoven South Dakota. Sold
- Potter / Lebanon. Lebanon 1884-1984 Centennial Celebration Sold
- Potter / Tolstoy. Tolstoy, South Dakota Celebrates 75th 1907-1982 (Potter County). SOLD
- Roberts. Roberts County History Dakota Territory Centennial. Sold
- Roberts. Roberts County Bethel Lutheran Church 1893-1965. Sold
- Roberts / Rosholt. Our Prairie Years...And How We Grew. Rosholt, SD Golden Anniversary 1913-1963. Sold
- Roberts / White Rock. Olson, Randy M. Views Of The Present Visions of the Past. White Rock, SD. Sold
- Sanborn. From 1873 Developments Of Sanborn County and Storms, Prairie Fires & 3 County Seat Wars. SOLD
- Sanborn. Sanborn County Historical Association. History of Pioneer Sanborn County. SOLD
- Sanborn. Supplement To History of Pioneer Sanborn County. SOLD
- Sanborn / Artesian. Artesian Centennial 1883-1983.
- South Dakota Northeastern. Johnson, Norma. Wagon Wheels. Vols. I, II, III, IV, V, VI (A)
- South Dakota Southeastern. History of Southeastern Dakota Its Settlement And Growth. South Dakota SOLD
- South Dakota Central. Kant, Joanita. South Central Region Vol. V. (/A)
- South Dakota Southeastern. Kant, Joanita. Southeastern Region Vol. III. SOLD
- Spink. Atlas of Spink County South Dakota. 1974. SOLD
- Spink. Holland, Lutie B. Cunningham. Spots In Spink County Dakota Territory 1882-1907. SOLD
- Spink. Harlow, Dana D. Prairie Echo Spink County In The Making. Sold
- Spink / Crandon. Harms, Mrs. George Jr. Crandon In Its Golden Years. Sold
- Spink / Doland. Doland, SD Centennial 1882-1982. Sold
- Spink / Frankfort. Frankfort Centennial 1882-1982. Vol. 1 (/A)
- Spink / Frankfort. Frankfort Centennial 1882-1982. Vol. 1 & 2 Sold
- Spink / Mellette. Mellette County Centennial Committee, White River, SD. Mellette County South Dakota 1911-1961.
- Spink / Redfield. First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ – Redfield, SD & Wheaton United Church of Christ, Zell, SD 1904-1979.
- Spink / Tulare. Our Heritage Tulare Community History 1883-1983 (A/B)
- Spink / Turton. Barrie, Richard. 1886 – Turton – 1986 June 20-22. SOLD
- Stanley / Bad River. Caldwell, Irene, editor. Bad River (Wakpa Sica), Ripples, Rages and Residents (Stanley County area). (/A)
- Sully. Atlas of Sully County South Dakota, 1985
- Sully. Sully County Centennial History Book Committee. 100 Years of Proud People 1883-1983.
- Sully. Sully County Old Settlers’ Assoc. History of Sully County. SOLD
- Sully / Agar. Agar Centennial Celebration June 9-13, 2010. Onida Watchman.
- Sully / Agar & Onida. Seventy Five Years of Sully County History 1883-1958 Agar-Onida SOLD
- Sully / Onida. Onida & Sully County Quasquicentennial 1883-2008. Onida Watchman.
- Tripp. Winner Chamber of Commerce. Tripp County Centennial 1909-2009
- Tripp. Winner Chamber of Commerce Diamond Jubilee History Committee. The History of Tripp County South Dakota 1909-1984.
- Tripp. Tripp Study Club. A Touch of Trip II.
- Tripp / Witten. Witten 100 Years 1909-2009 Witten Centennial Tripp County, SD (/A)
- Turner / Marion, Monroe, Dolton. Tale of Three Cities - The Next 25 Years. 125th Anniversary Celebration June 18-20, 2004.
- Turner / Parker. Turner Auxiliary of Post No. 2821. Then and Now Parker 1879-1979.
- Turner / Viborg. Viborg, South Dakota. Home of the South Dakota Pork Show.
- Union / Elk Point. A Century in Review 1859-1959. Elk Point, SD
- Union / Jefferson. Jefferson History 1859-1959-1984 Centennial Sold
- Walworth / Mobridge. Compiled by Committee of Northern Oahe Historical Society. Mobridge Diamond Jubilee 1956-1981. (/A)
- Walworth / Selby. Selby Diamond Jubilee Historical Book 1900-1975 (/C )
- Yankton. Yankton County In Dakota Territory Centennial Year 1861-1961
- Yankton. In the World War 1917-1918-1919. Yankton County (A)
- Yankton. Donald Dean Parker, Compiler. History of Our County and State: Yankton County. SOLD
- Yankton / Yankton. Karolevitz. Robert F. Pioneer Church in a Pioneer City. (C)
- Yankton / Yankton. Karolevitz, Robert F. Yankton: A Pioneer Past
- Yankton / Yankton. Allan, Don. Yankton Celebrates. The Centennial 1889-1989. SOLD
- Yankton / Yankton. Stewart, Edgar I. Yankton College. The Second 25 Years Sold